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Over the past several years, we have received hundreds of comments from our customers regarding our toy soldiers over email, message boards, and phone and we thought we would share a small selection of them here.  We haven't posted the name of the person who made the comment to respect their anonymity, but I'm sure some of you will recognize the comments you've made to us.  Also, when a comment was made to us over email, we've put it below exactly how it came to us, so if there are errors in grammar or punctuation, please bear in mind these are direct quotes!!!   I think you'll agree that our customers really like our figures.
I just wanted to congratulate you on the revolutionary war sets that you just shipped to me here in Saratoga, CA. This first venture into the ARW is nothing short of fantastic.  I’ve purchased sets from other manufacturers for museum displays and school programs. Nothing comes close with respect to sculpting, painting and overall historical accuracy. Great work—and I anticipate purchasing more sets from First Legion.
(On receiving the AWI Continental Militia)
Wether it be your Napoleonics, the Samurais or now the German and Russian troops for Stalingrad you sure found a way to approach the "St. Petersburg" quality while offering complete ranges instead of a few single items per subject and with knowing a lot of different Toy Soldier makers out there I want to say that First Legion's price/quality ratio is unmatched so far.
(Customer of all of our Ranges)
The Guard Chasseurs have arrived and as with the other pieces I’ve collected from First Legion the are exceptional. The gestures, the expressions, the body language and paintwork are wonderful. They’re alive.  First Legion, First Class.
(On receiving our Old Guard Chasseurs)
The figures have arrived and they are truly stunning. Anyone who even mentions them in the same breath as (a competitor) has no clue! Clearly another league and a full WOW!
(On receiving our Old Guard Chasseurs)
Just opened 13 packs of British Guards, French Mounted Colonel and Russian Command. It cannot get much better than this! Absolutely no comparison to what others are doing - sorry to many people's feet, but these releases are nowhere near what Britain and K&C are doing - they are in another league.  And I say this even though I am not a 'true' Naps collector! Eagerly waiting for the new range and maybe I can start dreaming about recreating epic battles in Asia!  Great quality figures I got here!
(On receiving NAP0081-97 British Guards and NAP0099 Russian Staff Set)
"Now what can I say. It is an absolute stunning set, very well done in all ways, sculpting, poses, painting, all state of the art quality and the price/quality relation is unmatched so far.  If a collector wants better figures than yours he can only pick from a few available poses and troops and has to buy from the few St. Petersburg Studios, which will cost him deep in the wallet. Compared to other Napoleonic offerings from diverse manufacturers like Britains, King & Country, Frontline, Patriot, just to name a few, you guys stand alone at the top."
(On receiving NAP0019 French Line Artillery Set)
Just received this set today. Its truly a work of art I love it.
(On receiving NAP0019 French Line Artillery Set)
"Great soldiers, by the way. I'm really impressed with how your company is trying to provide a higher quality than most others. Also providing the type of poses that make for great diorama use."
“They are fantastic. I think I'll just pack all my other stuff and clear the way for the invasion of the First Legion.”
“Congratulations for these fantastic figures.  Whilst I am not a Napoleonic collector as such, your figures are the new standard in my view - for all areas.”
“I just got my first shipment,…I don’t have any other words to say other than “ AWESOME “ , actually It’s better than that, I’m just speechless!!!!”
“First Legion you make the best Napoleonic series than any other company. I really do mean it.”
“You and your team have produced an excellent product which will surely keep you in business for years to come, I have an extensive collections of figures from the Napoleonic wars and therefore judge myself as somebody who knows what he's talking about, I rate your figures as some of my finest.”
“ I received my order yesterday. Outstanding figures; the painting is far and away better than anything I have seen in a mass market release of model soldiers.  Anyone interest in Napoleonic history should order these. Try just one figure and you too will be hooked on First legion quality.”
“I received my first two figures from you today and I have to say it was well worth the wait.  The detail as compared to the previous K & C figures I had is much improved over them.  While I still like and respect K & C's work, in my book, there is a new standard bearer.  Again, excellent work!  I hope to continue my collection from your releases in the future.”
“I know you probably hear this a lot, but I want to tell you as well.  The upcoming British Foot Guards series is beautiful and very well done.  I am saving as much as possible to obtain this whole range when it is availible.  What most strikes me is not only the variation of the figures, but the accuracy as well.  To learn more about the Waterloo battle, I recently purchased the 'Waterloo Companion', but Mark Adkin.  In it, the author talks about exactly how the British infantry would form square, specifically with the front rank creating the bayonet 'hedge' and the rear ranks firing.  When I look at your upcoming figures, I see that you have captured this reality just perfectly.” 
"I have to start out by telling you that I am completely blown away by your figures.  To call them “Toy Soldiers”  seems like a slap in the face.  In closing I would like to tell you that I am not a “Toy Soldier” collector, historically I have been a painter and admirer of military miniatures.  However, the quality of your figures, as well as their price, have me sold.  I am salivating at the huge armies I am looking to amass, as long as my wife allows my budget."

“THIS IS A BRITISH ARTILLERY, boys. Best I have ever seen.”
“I am just writing to let you know i received my first order #366 containing 5 figures. I just would like to thank you for your prompt shipment the box and figures arrived in perfect condition ( I could not be happier). I will definitely be placing more orders in the near future”
"WOW I can't wait to purchase them all!  It is very exciting to see the wonderful figures that First Legion is creating . I looked at the Russian staff set and the likeness to Original images are truly amazing Great sculpting and Painting. The future of my collecting  Napoleonic figures is looking Great . I must say First Legion is the best other company's figures which I have been unable to make myself purchase look like I painted them and believe me that is not a good thing."
"I received my French Line Artillery in perfect order and must say it was spectacular. You folks do beautiful work."
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