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Roman Praetorians "Fighting"

We are pleased to present the second release covering the Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard!    While the first release portrayed the Praetorians marching, this time we've portrayed them heavily engaged in combat protecting the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.  The Roman Praetorian Guard was the personal bodyguard of the Roman Emperors.    In addition to their political role of being the strongest armed military force within Rome, they took part in various campaigns and battles including those of Marcus Aurelius as they were at least the equal of any other Roman Legion in terms of combat effectiveness.  Presented here in striking combat poses, these figures are designed to be fully engaged with our enemies of Rome.    With their imperial purple colors, black leather lorica segmentata, and photo etched steel pilum and gladius, this release is certainly the most striking Roman release we've done for our incredibly popular Glory of Rome figure range.   We sincerely hope you enjoy them!
Roman Praetorian Guard "Fighting" - Click to Enlarge
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ROM097 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard Cornicen
Price: $79.95
ROM097 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard Cornicen
60mm Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard Cornicen
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