We are pleased to present General John Buford's 8th Illinois Cavalry dismounted for action at Gettysburg! Buford and his troopers played a critical role at Gettysburg fighting a very successful delaying action allowing Union infantry under John Reynolds to come up and stabilize the line. The result of his decision to hold his ground in the face of superior Confederate numbers allowed the Union Army to prevent the capture the critical high ground of Cemetery Hill on July 1st, certainly one of the decisive factors in the Union's victory at Gettysburg. We have presented them here dismounted in a firing or skirmish line with the beautiful sculpting and hand painting that you have come to expect from First Legion. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!
Buford's 8th Illinois Cavalry - Click to Enlarge
60mm Union 8th Ilinois Cavalry Trooper Kneeling Loading - Gettysburg 1863
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