Recognising that the Seven Years’ War was arguably the true first ‘World War’ it’s time to cover the conflict between the French and the British and their allies. We kick off with a splendid release of British Grenadiers of the 23rd regiment of Foot (Royal Welsh Fuzileers) at the famous Battle of Minden. Minden was fought on 1 August 1759 between an Anglo-German army under command of Field Marshal Ferdinand of Brunswick and a French army commanded by the Marquis de Contades, with the French decisively defeated. The 23rd Regiment of Foot took part in the pivotal action of the battle - the British infantry advance against the unbroken French cavalry in the centre of the French line. Apparently a misunderstanding of orders, the advance was widely expected to lead to the destruction of the British infantry but in fact drove off the French cavalry, inflicting significant losses. Such was the fame of the victory that the British regiments participating are still known as the ‘Minden regiments’ with the Minden Rose incorporated into the cap badges of the Royal Welch Fusiliers to this day.