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Bulge Germans


First Legion is very pleased to present the German Military Forces at the Battle of the Bulge!

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Displaying products 1 - 25 of 25 results
BB009 German Panzer Grenadier with K98
Price: $79.95
BB009 German Panzer Grenadier with K98
60mm German Panzer Grenadier with K98 - Battle of the Bulge
BB041 German Heer Infantry Officer with MP40
Price: $79.95
BB041 German Heer Infantry Officer with MP40
60mm German Heer Infantry Officer with MP40 - Battle of the Bulge
BB043 German Heer Infantry with MP44
Price: $79.95
BB043 German Heer Infantry with MP44
60mm German Heer Infantry with MP44 - Battle of the Bulge
BB044 German SS Infantry Running with PZ Faust
Price: $79.95
BB044 German SS Infantry Running with PZ Faust
60mm German SS Infantry Running with PZ Faust - Battle of the Bulge
BB047 German Fallschirmjager Running Firing MP44
Price: $84.95
BB047 German Fallschirmjager Running Firing MP44
60mm German Fallschirmjager Running Firing MP44
BB048 German Fallschirmjager with Panzerfaust
Price: $84.95
BB048 German Fallschirmjager with Panzerfaust
60mm German Fallschirmjager with Panzerfaust
BB049 German Fallschirmjager Machine Gunner
Price: $84.95
BB049 German Fallschirmjager Machine Gunner
60mm German Fallschirmjager Machine Gunner
BB050 German Fallschirmjager Kneeling Firing FG42
Price: $84.95
BB050 German Fallschirmjager Kneeling Firing FG42
60mm German Fallschirmjager Kneeling Firing FG42
BB056 German Fallschirmjager Running with GW41
Price: $89.95
BB056 German Fallschirmjager Running with GW41
60mm German Fallschirmjager Running with GW41
BB057 German Waffen SS Machine Gunner with MG42
Price: $94.95
BB057 German Waffen SS Machine Gunner with MG42
60mm German Waffen SS Machine Gunner with MG42
BB058 German Waffen SS Advancing with PzSchrek
Price: $94.95
BB058 German Waffen SS Advancing with PzSchrek
60mm German Waffen SS Advancing with PzSchrek
BB059 German Fallschirmjager Officer with MP40
Price: $94.95
BB059 German Fallschirmjager Officer with MP40
60mm German Fallschirmjager Officer with MP40
BB060 German Waffen SS Machine Gunner Advancing
Price: $99.95
BB060 German Waffen SS Machine Gunner Advancing
60mm German Waffen SS Machine Gunner Advancing
BB061 German Pz Grenadier Sitting with K98
Price: $89.95
BB061 German Pz Grenadier Sitting with K98
60mm German Pz Grenadier Sitting with K98
BB062 German Pz Grenadier Leaning with K98
Price: $94.95
BB062 German Pz Grenadier Leaning with K98
60mm German Pz Grenadier Leaning with K98
BB063 German Pz Grenadier Sitting with Gewehr 43
Price: $89.95
BB063 German Pz Grenadier Sitting with Gewehr 43
60mm German Pz Grenadier Sitting with Gewehr 43
BB064 German Pz Grenadier Standing with Gewehr 43
Price: $94.95
BB064 German Pz Grenadier Standing with Gewehr 43
60mm German Pz Grenadier Standing with Gewehr 43
BB065 German Waffen SS Sitting with Gewehr 43
Price: $94.95
BB065 German Waffen SS Sitting with Gewehr 43
60mm German Waffen SS Sitting with Gewehr 43
BB066 German Waffen SS Sitting with K98
Price: $94.95
BB066 German Waffen SS Sitting with K98
German Waffen SS Sitting with K98
BB067 German Waffen SS Sitting with K98
Price: $89.95
BB067 German Waffen SS Sitting with K98
60mm German Waffen SS Sitting with K98
BB068 German Waffen SS Leaning with MP44 and Box
Price: $89.95
BB068 German Waffen SS Leaning with MP44 and Box
60mm German Waffen SS Leaning with MP44 and Box
BB069 German Jadpanzer IV - 1st SS Pz Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
Price: $450.00
BB069 German Jadpanzer IV - 1st SS Pz Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
1/30th German Jadgpanzer IV - 1st SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
BB078 German Jadgpanzer 38 "Hetzer" PzJg Abt 741 - Ardennes, Dec '44
Price: $315.00
BB078 German Jadgpanzer 38 "Hetzer" PzJg Abt 741 - Ardennes, Dec '44
1/30th German Jadgpanzer 38 "Hetzer" PzJg Abt 741 - Ardennes, Dec '44
BB079 German Jadgpanzer 38 "Hetzer" PzJg Abt 741 - Ardennes, Jan '45
Price: $315.00
BB079 German Jadgpanzer 38 "Hetzer" PzJg Abt 741 - Ardennes, Jan '45
1/30th German Jadgpanzer 38 "Hetzer" PzJg Abt 741 - Ardennes, Jan '45
TC013 German Waffen SS Tank Crew
Price: $179.95
TC013 German Waffen SS Tank Crew
60mm German Waffen SS Tank Crew
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