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60mm American Revolution

First Legion is ever so proud to present our latest figure range, the American Revolution!   With stunning sculpting and painting we will recreate the glorious struggle for American Independence with the breadth and accuracy you’ve come to expect.  Our range will start off at the beginning, in 1775, with the untried colonial militia raising arms against the most powerful nation in the world in the British Empire.  The first releases will take you to Lexington Green and Bunker Hill and the dawn of American Independence!

Battle of Bunker Hill - Click to Enlarge
3rd New Jersey Continentals
60mm 3rd New Jersey Continental Infantry
8th & 12th Winter Continental Regts
US 8th and 12th Continental Regiments (Winter)
Woodland Indians
60mm Woodland Indians of the American Revolution
AWI Personalities
60mm Personality Figures of the American Revolution
Continental Dragoons
60mm Continental 3rd Light Dragoons of the American Revolution
Haslet's Delware
60mm Continental Haslet's 1st Delaware Regiment of the American Revolution - FIRST LEGION NORTH AMERICAN EXCLUSIVE
Continental Militia
60mm Continental Militia/Minutemen of the American Revolution
British Artillery
60mm British Artillery of the American Revolution
British 38th Regiment of Foot
60mm Light Company of the British 38th Regiment of Foot in the American Revolution
British 5th Regt. of Foot
60mm British 5th Regiment of Foot in the American Revolution
British 22nd Regiment of Foot
60mm British 22nd Regiment of Foot in the American Revolution
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