We are very pleased to present the first release of our coverage of both a new nationality and a new Napoleonic Battle, Aspern Essling!!! Of course, this means the Austrians and we have started off with a very colorful release in the form of the Grenadier Companies of the 2nd Hungarian Line Regiment converged into the Hahn Grenadier Battalion. As with all of our releases, this one is expansive and consists of 18 different figures to lead the Austrian attack including an Officer, Drummer, NCO, Mounted Colonel, Standard Bearer, Sapper, and 12 Grenadiers, including dead and wounded. Though designed for Apern Essling, the figures fit perfectly into any 1809 or later battle which the Austrians took the field. So use them for Wagram, Dresden, Leipzig, Raab, or any other of the many Napoleonic battles in which the Austrians took part! The addition of these and forthcoming Austrian and troops really opens up a whole new array of display possibilities and will surely make an excellent, and much needed, addition to any serious Napoleonic toy soldier collection!
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60mm Austrian Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars
60mm Hungarian Hahn Grenadier Battalion