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Modular Acre City Walls

Our coverage of the Siege of Acre in 1291 would in no way be complete without the necessary diorama pieces to effectively recreate the fortifield walled city of Acre itself.    Sets TER012-TER015 are the first four modular pieces that allow you to setup the city on as small or large a scale as you would like.   Shown above is how one of each set can be setup, but there are many permutations to this that allow you to create an extremely flexible diorama to meet whatever display needs you require.  Further, though these pieces are meant for Acre in 1291, they can serve perfectly well for the City of Acre during Napoleon's famous siege of the city in 1798 or even as a generic middle eastern type fortified city such as ancient Jerusalem.   We plan on expanding upon these initial pieces with additional sets including a gate section.
Displaying products 1 - 1 of 1 results
TER016 Medieval Pavilion Tent
Price: $199.95
TER016 Medieval Pavilion Tent
1/30th Medieval Pavilion Tent
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