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60mm Pirates!

We have long wanted to make pirates, and finally we are delighted to be able to announce our first release in this new range. We know, we’re all still kids at heart. Though pirates have existed throughout history, from ancient times to modern day, the ‘golden age’ of piracy was the 17th and early 18th century, thriving in particular on the plunder of rich Spanish trade and supply routes from the New World to the Old. Countless Spanish galleons, holds bursting with newly minted gold and silver coin mined from the rich deposits discovered in Peru, Mexico and Bolivia, plied the Atlantic en route to the court of the Spanish king. The plunder was so rich that some 5,000 or more pirates were believed to be active at the time, even establishing whole land based pirate communities such as the island of Hispaniola and Tortuga. Infamous pirates of the time included Henry Morgan, Captain Kidd, Jack Rackham and the most feared of them all, the ruthless Blackbeard (Edward Teach). Drifting into fiction we will also be covering Stevenson’s anti-hero Long John Silver, perhaps best known for his wooden leg and trusty parrot, Captain Flint, with a penchant for pieces of eight. These are our first characters to get the range going. We will in time be adding more pirates as well as everything else you would expect from a fully-fledged pirate range such as colonial troops, marines and sailors, red-coated garrison forces and much more. We just can’t wait to get to the main feature of this range, the ships. 
Displaying products 1 - 26 of 26 results
PIR001 Caribbean Pirate with Grappling Hook
Price: $99.95
PIR001 Caribbean Pirate with Grappling Hook
60mm Caribbean Pirate with Grappling Hook
PIR002 Pirate with Boarding Pike of Repelling
Price: $99.95
PIR002 Pirate with Boarding Pike of Repelling
60mm Pirate with Boarding Pike of Repelling
PIR003 Pirate with Blunderbuss Pistol
Price: $99.95
PIR003 Pirate with Blunderbuss Pistol
60mm Pirate with Blunderbuss Pistol
PIR004 Pirate with Cutlass and Flintlock Pistol
Price: $99.95
PIR004 Pirate with Cutlass and Flintlock Pistol
60mm Pirate with Cutlass and Flintlock Pistol
PIR006 Female Pirate with Dual Cutlasses
Price: $99.95
PIR006 Female Pirate with Dual Cutlasses
60mm Female Pirate with Dual Cutlasses
PIR007 Pirate Cook with Cleaver
Price: $99.95
PIR007 Pirate Cook with Cleaver
60mm Pirate Cook with Cleaver
PIR008 One Eyed Pirate with Cutlass and Flintlock
Price: $84.95
PIR008 One Eyed Pirate with Cutlass and Flintlock
60mm One Eyed Pirate with Cutlass and Flintlock
PIR009 Pirate Advancing to Attack
Price: $84.95
PIR009 Pirate Advancing to Attack
60mm Pirate Advancing to Attack
PIR010 Female Pirate with a Pair of Flintlocks
Price: $84.95
PIR010 Female Pirate with a Pair of Flintlocks
60mm Female Pirate with a Pair of Flintlocks
PIR011 Pirate Throwing Grenade
Price: $84.95
PIR011 Pirate Throwing Grenade
60mm Pirate Throwing Grenade
PIR012 Caribbean Pirate with Foot on Chest
Price: $84.95
PIR012 Caribbean Pirate with Foot on Chest
60mm Caribbean Pirate with Foot on Chest
PIR013 Captain Long John Silver
Price: $84.95
PIR013 Captain Long John Silver
60mm Captain Long John Silver
PIR014 Young Pirate Apprentice
Price: $84.95
PIR014 Young Pirate Apprentice
60mm Young Pirate Apprentice
PIR015 Pirate Gunner with Rammer
Price: $84.95
PIR015 Pirate Gunner with Rammer
60mm Pirate Gunner with Rammer
PIR016 Pirate Gunner with Igniter
Price: $84.95
PIR016 Pirate Gunner with Igniter
60mm Pirate Gunner with Igniter
PIR017 Pirate Gunner with Charge
Price: $84.95
PIR017 Pirate Gunner with Charge
60mm Pirate Gunner with Charge
PIR018 Naval 9lb Cannon
Price: $84.95
PIR018 Naval 9lb Cannon
60mm Naval 9lb Cannon
PIR019 Pirate Captain
Price: $84.95
PIR019 Pirate Captain
60mm Pirate Captain
PIR020 Turkish Pirate
Price: $94.95
PIR020 Turkish Pirate
60mm Turkish Pirate
PIR021 Pirate Standing Firing
Price: $84.95
PIR021 Pirate Standing Firing
60mm Pirate Standing Firing
PIR022 Pirate Standing Loading
Price: $84.95
PIR022 Pirate Standing Loading
60mm Pirate Standing Loading
PIR023 Young Female Pirate
Price: $84.95
PIR023 Young Female  Pirate
60mm Young Female Pirate
PIR024 Pirate Drinking Rum and Firing into the Air
Price: $84.95
PIR024 Pirate Drinking Rum and Firing into the Air
60mm Pirate Drinking Rum and Firing into the Air
PIR025 Pirate Drinking Ale
Price: $89.95
PIR025 Pirate Drinking Ale
60mm Pirate Drinking Ale
PIR026 Female Pirate Fighting
Price: $84.95
PIR026 Female Pirate Fighting
60mm Female Pirate Fighting
PIR027 Pirate in Bar Fight with Mug
Price: $84.95
PIR027 Pirate in Bar Fight with Mug
60mm Pirate in Bar Fight with Mug
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