The backbone of the Roman Empire was certainly her Legions. For our initial release of Imperial Romans, we presented Legio I Minerva and Legio VI Victrix. Due to the success and rapid sellout of these figures, we are now following them up with Legio I Adiutrix and Legio II Augusta. The new legions feature unbleached tunics and skirts, Adiutrix with the classic “wreathe” shield and Augusta with the Eagle on a black shield. Legio I Adiutrix was formed in 68 AD and took part in a variety of battles and campaigns including Germanic/Marcomannic Wars under Marcus Aurelius, the final battle of which was featured in the opening of the film "Gladiator." Legion II Augusta was one of the longest serving Legions, formed in the late republic and serving through the 4th Century most notably participating in the construction and defense of Hadrian's Wall. Both are are a wonderful complement to Minerva and Victrix and allow for dioramas to now feature multiple legions each with a unique look deployed side by side.
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60mm Emperor Marcus Aurelius
60mm Imperial Roman Imaginifer - Legio II Augusta
60mm Imperial Roman Legionary with Gladius - Legio II Augusta
60mm Roman Shield Stack - Legio Minerva