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Welcome to our 54mm gallery for our Napoleon's Europe product range.   Shown below are various photos of our products used either in displays or to make dioramas.   If you have a display or diorama of our 54mm products and would like to submit it for inclusion on our website, please feel free to email us!
Click on the images below for an enlarged version. 

NAP0021-NAP0029 French Old Guard Grenadiers

British 12th Light Dragoons at Waterloo 1815

French 2nd Carabiniers at Borodino in 1812

Prussian 11th (2nd Silesian) Line Infantry on the Offensive at Waterloo

Prussian Infantry Assaulting Plancenoit at Waterloo - Click to Enlarge

Bitter street fighting between the 11th (2nd Silesian) Prussian Line Infantry and the Old Guard Chasseurs at Waterloo in 1815.  Buildings and wall set coming soon!

NAP0134-NAP0141 1st Wurttemberg Line Infantry Regiment Borodino 1812 - Coming Soon!


This series of images depicts the Russian Akhtyrsky Hussar Regiment deploying throug the burning village of Semenovskaya in preparation for a counterattack against the French at the Battle of Borodino in 1812

NAP0100-NAP0121 Guard Chasseurs - 1 of each figure shown - Click to enlarge

NAP0066-NAP0071 Westphalian Jaegers Carabiniers & NAP0098 French Mounted Colonel and TER002 Russian Village House at the Battle of Borodino in 1812 - Click to Enlarge

NAP0099 Kutuzov and the Russian Staff and TER001 Russian Village House at the Battle of Borodino in 1812 - Click to Enlarge

The famous Russain Ahkrstsky Hussar Regiment Paint Masters - Borodino 1812 - Click to Enlarge

The famous Russain Ahkrstsky Hussar Regiment Paint Masters - Borodino 1812 - Click to Enlarge

Below are a series of 6 images of a small diorama of our production British Guards figures combined with our new production NAP0072 British 9lb Foot Artillery Set displayed on a scratch built redoubt.   Enjoy! 

NAP0081-NAP0097 British Guards, 1 of each figure - Click to Enlarge

NAP0098 - French 61st Line Infantry Mounted Colonel -Click to Enlarge

NAP0098 - French 61st Line Infantry Mounted Colonel -Click to Enlarge

The Elite Westphalian Jaegers Carabiniers deployed in line of battle - Click to Enlarge

NAP0072 British Foot Artillery Paint Masters - Click to Enlarge!

NAP0095-97 British Guards paint masters - Click to enlarge

NAP0081-NAP0094 British Guards Paint Masters - Click to enlarge!

The Wurttemberg Jaegers defend Marshal Murat and their fallen leader in the fleches at Borodino.  Photo of the production figures - Click to enlage.

British Guard Infantry Square Showing 16 of 17 figures in the release - Click to enlarge

British Guards Elite Company Paint Masters - Click to Enlarge

British Guard Elite Company Ensign and Captain - Click to Enlarge

NAP0066-NAP0071 Westphalian Jaeger Carabinier Pre-Release Masters

20 of the 29 French Line Infantry Figures - Click to Enlarge

Pre-Release Paint Masters Set NAP0062 Murat and the Wurttemberg Jaegers

French Line Infantry Advancing at Borodino -Click to Enlarge

Two Voltigeurs of the 85th Line Infantry with the Officer and Drummer of the 57th Line

The Voltigeurs of the 61st Line Advancing.  3 Privates and an NCO

Voltigeurs of the 85th French Line Infantry Skirmishing

Drummer boy in forage cap and officer of the 57th Line

The "terrible" 57th French Line Charging/Melee

The French 61st Line advances past a Saxon village house in 1813 - Click to enlarge

Another image of the French 61st Line, this time supported out front by the 57th Line

Pre-release masters of our French 61st Line Infantry - Shown are 11 of the 13 figures to initially be released.


NAP0040, 0041, 0042, 0043









Pre-release masters of the French Old Guard Grenadiers

NAP0021 - Standard

NAP0022 - Officer

NAP0023 - Drummer

NAP0024 - Sapper

NAP0025 - NCO

NAP0026-NAP0029 - Grenadier

Three images of a French Artillery Diorama made by one of the First Legion partners.  This diorama was made from pre production resin masters of our figures painted by my one of our partners and permanently based on a wooden base for display.  It comprises NAP0019 French Artillery Set - 7 Figures plus 12lb Gun and NAP0020, French Artillery Mounted Colonel.


Three images of set NAP0019.  This set is 7 figures plus a 12lb Gun including an officer, a drummer, an NCO and four gunners. 

54mm Bavarian 5th Preysing Line Supported by a French 12lb Artillery Battery

The Bavarian 5th Preysing Line Infantry in Skirmish Order - Click to Enlarge

The above 9 images are of NAP0001 - NAP00018 and show the Bavarian 5th Preysing and 10th Junkers line infantry regiments arrayed for battle on a display board made by one of the First Legion parters.

French Old Guard Grenadiers pre-release masters.  Figures NAP0021-NAP0029 (three figures not shown). 

French Napoleon and Staff Set NAP0030 - Napoleon, Chasseur, Berthier (seated at table), Ney, Rapp, Cambronne, Lefebvre

French Old Guard Grenadiers pre-release masters.  Figures NAP0021-NAP0029 (three figures not shown). 

French 61st Line Infantry Advacing.   Pre-release masters.

French 61st Line Infantry Advancing.  Pre-release masters.

54mm French Cuirassiers.  Pre-release masters.  We're modifying these figures to change the bases to our standard rectangle as well as fixing an error with the musket.

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